Why Europe?


Europe is unreached

Europe is so post-Christian that it’s pre-Christian. Europe knows religion, but less than 2% claim to know Jesus personally.

Europe has influence

Past, present, and future, Europe influences the world's economics, education, politics, philosophies and culture.

Europe is connected

Through immigration, hundreds of distinct cultures live and exist in Europe, many representing unreached people groups.



Why France?

The spiritual atmosphere in France is dark

With a population of nearly 63 million, only 1% of people living in France claim to know Jesus


The population of Lyon is approx. 516,000 people - but including the greater metropolitan, that number is over 2.3 million.

Lyon is the third largest city in France, after Paris and Marseille.

There are over 200,000 students in Lyon, creating a vibrant student culture.

50,000 of these students are intentional students.


“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

The nations are coming to France!


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few…”

A phrase that I heard spouted many times by missionaries on the ground in Paris when I visited ten years ago.

People are responding wildly to the gospel, but there are simply not enough Christians living in France to spread the Gospel at the rates that people are responding. Discipleship is the greatest need. Believers to both share the Gospel, and also to come alongside new believers and help them navigate their new faith journey.



Who is the GBU?

The Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU) works across France to make the Bible known amongst students. Their focus is on studying and discussing the bible in groups established by and for students.

The vision for the team in Lyon is to expand their current ministries to better reach international students. My experience with on- and off-campus student ministry in Halifax has me excited for the opportunity to connect with, support, and disciple students from all over the world.